You have your membership functions, claims processing, provider networks, and other administrative processes covered.
Medical and pharmacy issues are high-stakes concerns for your clients.
You outsource your medical and pharmacy programs because you don't have the in-house expertise.
Value in healthcare has never been concisely defined, or universally agreed upon. There are a lot of stakeholders in the healthcare machine each with its own perspective. At Connect & Care, we bring clarity to value. We align the stakeholders, starting with the patient. We construct the optimal roadmap, using health informatics, focusing on outcomes that matter, and incorporate the unique needs of each individual. Focusing on care will reduce the cost.
Connect & Care performs advanced data mining to ensure that all the data is transformed into information. Unlike most data vendors who provide dead-end reports, Connect & Care provides results. We marry the data mining to clinical actions, and that generates improvements in quality of care and a reduction in cost.
Delivering the highest quality outcomes is our priority. Our outcomes are clinically relevant and meaningful. We ensure appropriate quality metrics are being met and we rely on evidence-based medicine standards that exceed existing solutions. Our goal is to get people healthy and keep them healthy.
A fundamental premise of our care model is transparency. We pride ourselves in open and honest communication, coordinated interaction, and shared decision-making opportunities.
Connect & Care, LLC
P.O. Box 25762
Columbia Station, Ohio 44028
Phone: 440-829-7562
Fax: 440-378-4018